Earn some awesome rewards during the Overwatch Baptiste's Reunion Challenge JUNE 18 - JULY 1

The Overwatch Baptiste's Reunion Challenge is now on until July 1.  You can earn awesome rewards—including the Combat Medic Baptiste skin - by winning games and watching Overwatch on Twitch.

Wins in Quick Play, Competitive Play, and Arcade will earn you a limited-time player icon, two sprays, and the epic Combat Medic Baptiste skin, in addition to regular weekly rewards! 

Watch Twitch streamers during or between matches to unlock even more Baptiste-themed cosmetics. Through July 1, tune in to participating streamers while they're playing Overwatch to earn up to six unique Baptiste's Reunion Challenge sprays!


We’re bringing the excitement of the action-packed short story into Overwatch by making some of the special content in the story available to unlock in-game. Wins in Quick Play, Competitive Play, or Arcade will all earn you a limited-time player icon, two sprays, and a new epic skin: Combat Medic Baptiste!

These special Baptiste’s Reunion Challenge rewards are a bonus on top of your normal earnings for playing in the Arcade.


Between matches, you can watch Overwatch streams on Twitch to unlock even more Baptiste-themed cosmetics. Tune in to participating broadcasters while they’re playing Overwatch anytime through July 1 to earn six Baptiste’s Reunion Challenge sprays!

Twitch Schedule

Tune in during the highlighted dates and times to support a specific broadcaster, or watch their streams at any point during the campaign to unlock these rewards.

BroadcasterSpotlight Date / TimeChannel
SeagullJune 18 (11:00 PDT – 20:00 PDT)twitch.tv/a_seagull
Delialpi GamingJune 19 (12:00 PDT – 17:00 PDT)twitch.tv/delialpi85
TeetawatvJune 20 (07:00 PDT – 13:00 PDT)twitch.tv/teetawatv3
MarteJune 21 (09:00 PDT – 14:00 PDT)twitch.tv/martee_ow
FlowervinJune 22 (04:00 PDT – 08:00 PDT) twitch.tv/flowervin
XeraphyJune 23 (03:00 PDT – 07:00 PDT)twitch.tv/xeraphy1
Tyr0dinJune 24 (19:00 PDT – 23:00 PDT)twitch.tv/tyr0din
NevesThaueJune 25 (15:00 PDT – 19:00 PDT)twitch.tv/nevesthaue
DeGunJune 26 (09:00 PDT – 14:00 PDT)twitch.tv/degun
MirageJune 27 (06:00 PDT – 08:00 PDT)twitch.tv/mirage720
BaconjackJune 28 (21:00 PDT – 23:00 PDT)twitch.tv/baconjack0227
TxaoJune 29 (03:00 PDT – 07:00 PDT) twitch.tv/txao
DarwinJune 30 (07:00 PDT – 14:00 PDT)twitch.tv/darwinstreams
HalieAtisutoJuly 1 (11:00 PDT – 20:00 PDT)twitch.tv/halieatisuto

How to link your account to earn Twitch rewards :

1) Log in to your Twitch account and go to your Twitch connections page.
2) Click Connect next to Blizzard Battle.net and follow the instructions.
3) Watch participating streamers to earn sprays.


After Jean-Baptiste Augustin left Talon, he wandered the world using his medical talents to make a difference where he could. But international criminal syndicates don't forget those who owe them debts. In "What You Left Behind," by Alyssa Wong, Baptiste's past catches up to him, with explosive results. READ THE STORY

If you're still don't have a copy of this game, check out the link below for bargain prices and join in on the fun!