Wurm Online launches Epic

Wurm Online has launched the new Epic servers. For those of you not familiar with Wurm Online, it is a MMO with a bit of a difference. For more information you can read this, or go to the official Wurm Online website.

Here are some answers to some of the most asked questions regarding Epic.

Q: What is Epic?
A: It’s a new set of connected Wurm Servers (we call it a cluster) where everyone starts from scratch. As a player you may help your god in ways that help them achieve their goals in their home on the moon Valrei. There is special code on Epic where the gods may reshape the world or spawn creature invasions as a result of how well they achieve their goals.

Q: Why do we need Epic?
A: Because it may give a greater sense of purpose to your game play. There will be a natural need of your services, and actions you take may have  large impact on the progress of your faction and your gods.

Fighting for your kingdom is fun but having a good reason for it makes it more compelling. Having direct impact on the gods takes it to the next level and gives another reason to gain territory. The war demands goods and services and a skilled craftsman may turn the tide.
Some players will strive to become gods themselves, reaching a level of “uniqueness” that is very rare in online games.

You may also create kingdoms of your own on Epic, which has been a very requested feature.

Q: How do I join?
A:  There will also be Epic portals created for new players on the Golden Valley server at the end of the tutorial. If you are an existing player and feel like adventuring a while you can pop over to Epic and check it out with no risk to your existing character. When you come back you are back at the place you left with all your skills and equipment. All you have to do is to build an Epic Portal using a few stone bricks and logs.

Q: What do I bring with me through the portal?
A: Your account information such as name, email, premium time and money in the bank. Also ban records and mutes. But no items or skills.

Q: How many servers will there be?
A: Initially there are three Home servers around a central Wild server. Whenif more are required we’ll add them, creating a cross shaped pattern of interconnected Home servers around the Wild battlegrounds.

Q: Can we go to Valrei?
A: It’s just a game board for the gods at the moment. You will be able to watch the pieces move around and see the effect of your actions. If one day we get a lot of resources we may create a special Valrei server for those players who have become Demigods and Gods but right now we have higher priorities.

Q: How do the missions and scenarios work?
A: On Valrei, the gods usually hunt for a number of rare items. One such hunt is a scenario. In order to find these items the gods will have to visit the various locations on Valrei. Moving around takes time and is exhausting. Usually one step takes a few days but some regions will take real weeks to traverse. By performing missions that aid your god you give him or her strength to move faster. One such mission may be to slay a number of creatures, build something or perform a ritual somewhere.
The missions are designed to be performed by a number of players based on the current active “base kingdom”  (HOTS, MR and JK as template) population on a server in order to succeed. Sometimes the task will be too hard though, and sometimes it will require only one player to perform something simple on a remote location.

When enough missions have succeeded, the deity moves. The number of missions required are one per home server and one per wild server per base kingdom. When the deity has found the number of items required to win the scenario and brought them to the target location, the scenario is won and ends.

When your deity moves, your god becomes favored by certain spirits who aid both you and your god. When a whole scenario ends, your god may decide to give your side bonuses, or create terraforming events in enemy territory. The gods themselves may also gain permanent characteristic bonuses, or the ability to spawn creatures in your enemy territory.

Q: Ok, ok, wow calm down. How many do you have to be to create a custom kingdom?
A: 50 players located in the same village

Q: How much does a declaration of independence  cost?
A: 1 gold

Q: Will the servers be F2P?
A: The home servers will be F2P. To join Wild or the HOTS Home server you have to be premium.

Q: Will we be able to join the Wild server instantly?
A: If you are a premium player.

Q: Will we be able to join HOTS instantly on Epic?
A: Yes. Unless there is something we’ve overlooked.

Q: Will we be able to join custom kingdoms instantly?
A: These will only exist on the premium servers, and there is a setting to allow people to join via the portals. If they do, they will be open to spies but their growth rate may increase.

Q: Will there be faster skillgain?
A: Yes, about twice as fast. There is also the effect of the “curve formula” which puts skill level 50 at 70% actual efficiency. At skill 70 you are at 90% efficiency which hopefully will be enough even for the most grind-minded players. On the current servers, skill 50 equals 50% efficiency.

Q: Will we be able to play on different accounts at the same time?
A: Yes, but in order to limit spy accounts there will be a restriction that you can’t play in different kingdoms at the same time from the same IP address. There will also be a ten minute grace period for switching between kingdoms.

Q: Can I bring settlement forms to Epic?
A: No. You have to purchase them once you have passed through the portal. Your money will be available in the bank.

Q: What is the cost of guards and how many can I hire?
A: On Epic the cost will be 3 silver per month, and you can hire 20.

Q: Will dragon armour change?
A: Yes less dragon armour will be available because butchering will yield less hide and scale.

Q: Will uniques respawn?
A: Yes in some forms. We will have more time to create interesting unique creatures after Epic is released.

Q: Will there be Farwalker Amulets or Bags of Keeping?
A: No.