No more Ubisoft games for me?

Ubisoft, what the heck are you doing? This new DRM of yours is unacceptable. Completely and utterly. Understandable why a gaming company would try and protect their games but the method is all wrong. Ubisoft is doing nothing else but alienating their current supporters. Like me.

A permanent internet connection while playing? With the problems I'm having with internet in South Africa? Not a chance, sorry. It's senseless too. Ubisofts servers were under attack earlier this year and offline because of it.

If I pay good money for a game I want to play it whenever I want without problems. Especially single player games, where really, there should be no need for you to be online the whole time while playing it.

The new 'uncrackable' method of theirs was proved crackable withing a couple of weeks. So in the end again the people who suffer the most inconvenience and annoyances are the once who bought the game legit. Somehow I just cannot see how this is fair?

Would have loved playing Assassin's Creed II and the new Setlers but heck, Seacom is down again for yet another 8 days so that means I won't be able to play. Sorry Ubisoft, hope you change your DRM fast...